The following procedures are adopted by the CRYA in order to prevent or minimize conflicts due to overcrowding at public moorage facilities by CRYA member clubs and their members.
- All CRYA member clubs shall prepare and submit their Club’s Cruise Schedule to the CRYA Cruise Coordinator or President in order to compile and publish these cruise dates and places for the information of member clubs. The submission date of this shall be no earlier than the 1st of August and no later than the November CRYA General Meeting and is limited to the immediate following year’s cruise schedule.
- The CRYA cruise schedule as published shall have priority over any other club’s subsequent scheduling of a cruise or cruises.
- When multiple clubs select the same date and same location for a cruise that would result in overcrowding that location, one or more clubs may be requested to submit a change of cruise location for that date. Once notified, the affected Commodores and Fleet Captains shall communicate in order to solve the conflict.
- The date of a club’s cruise itinerary submission takes precedence over all submissions that follow
- Except when a club is observed to have occupied the same location on the same weekend or holidays for two or more consecutive years.
- In this situation (a. i.) the submission date precedence is subordinate to bump requests initiated by other clubs.
- When using the bump rule, if two or more clubs, other than the bumped club, requests the same location in the same year, earliest submission rule applies in 3 a. above.
- If a solution is not reached, it shall be resolved at the January General Meeting.
- The date of a club’s cruise itinerary submission takes precedence over all submissions that follow
- It shall be the responsibility of ANY club scheduling an impromptu (unscheduled) cruise at any time to consult the official CRYA schedule in order to avoid possible conflicts. If the unscheduled club finds a conflict they will be expected to allow the scheduled club first choice in dock spaces REGARDLESS of who arrives at the facility first.
- The stated purpose of these foregoing items is to promote an orderly process in which all members of the CRYA may participate by the use of a mutual sharing procedure that will be fair and equitable to all members. The fact is that there are a limited number of recreational boating facilities and limited space at these facilities which mandates a spirit of cooperation between those boaters who wish to share them. Therefore the CRYA hereby accepts these provisions and procedures in the interest of the betterment of our boating community.
- This schedule is NOT a reservation and regardless of the schedule, all public docks are open to the public and non-club boats should be welcomed.
Revised 2/22/20